The latest Public Health Order issued by the NSW Government specifies new guidelines for entry to hospitality venues. Specifically, “patrons can only access the Club premises if they are fully vaccinated or medically exempt”. This will apply from October 11, 2021 to all persons who are over 16 years of age.
We will therefore require proof of your vaccination status i.e. that you have had 2 doses of the appropriate vaccine to allow you to enter the Club. You can prove you are fully vaccinated in the following ways
- Open your Express Plus Medicare mobile app, click “Immunisation history” and then click “View COVID-19 digital certificate”
- Access your COVID-19 digital certificate in your Apple Wallet or Google Pay
- Present a hard copy of your immunisation history statement. You can ask your vaccination provider to print this or alternatively you can contact the Australian Immunisation Register on 1800 653 809 and ask them to post your statement to you. This can take up to 14 days to arrive.
- Present a hard copy of a medical exemption (contraindication certificate) in the approved form completed by a medical practitioner
For further information please click here How to get a record of your COVID-19 vaccination
On your first visit to the Club on or after October 11, 2021 you will be required to swipe your membership card on our sign in system. Once you have provided your vaccination status to our reception/guest services staff we will add this information to your membership file. On subsequent visits you must continue to swipe your card on entry but you will not have to provide your vaccination status again.
We appreciate this process may seem arduous and time consuming but it is a condition of entry required by the NSW Government and must be complied with. Please be respectful and courteous to our staff who are doing a wonderful job under difficult and ever changing conditions. Thank you for your cooperation in advance.